Monday, June 18, 2007

Mission Briefing

Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. I could feel the steady stream of blood pulse through my head as I absorbed the information before me. My eyelids began to droop, and as I glanced at the clock, I knew I should get to bed if I was to appear fresh for work tomorrow. As I lay in bed, my thoughts wandered to two days ago, when I first started this case with a simple phone call.

"Agent X, this is John Astor."
"John, it's good to hear from you. It's been awhile, but what's so important that you had to
call me?"

"I've got a case for you."
"Sorry, Astor, I already have a case I'm working on, but-"
"Just meet me in my office. It's important."
"Yes, sir."

Later, in Astor's office, John handed me a folder.

"What's this?" I asked.
"Your new identity." he replied.
I glanced at the folder and said, "Kevin Mason?"
"How familiar are you with genetics?"
"Fairly familiar, sir."
"Have you ever heard of Genecorp.?"
"Yeah, they're a group of scientists working with the military to explore gene therapy."
"Yes, and we have reason to believe that at least one of these geneticists are collaborating with a criminal organization, selling them secrets that don't belong to them."
"What criminal organization, and what would criminals want with a bunch of science jargon?"
"Exactly, what you're going to find out, Agent."
"Astor, shouldn't this be a case for the Bereau? I'm already on a case there that I've just about closed. Why don't you just send me the case later, after I finish my current one?"
"Because, this is a matter of national security, so the CIA was put in charge of it. It's important that you start this mission as soon as possible. We need to stop whatever these criminals are planning. We would appreciate your expertise on this matter, Agent. Do you accept the mission?"
"Yes, sir,"

And now, tommorrow, I am going to be Kevin Mason, security officer for Genecorp. I just hope I can get to the bottom of this mystery.


jennifer said...

I feel the suspense!

Fourth said...

I hope so too,Agent X,
maybe I can come help you,
No Wait I can't If It's before twelve'o'clock(In the morning)I am usaully sleeping(Joking I wake up at 7:30 or 8:00)Oh and If It's after 12:05 I can't I'm gonna take a nap,
(not really)

Till Next Time,FoUrTh